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New publication looks at how faith can shape our future

August 26, 2011:

In the last 25 years the faiths have become the fastest growing environmental movements in the world, shaping the lives of billions such as the Daoists of China or the evangelical environmentalists of the USA.

Yet for many in the environmental movement, this has all happened without them noticing.

As Martin Palmer, Secretary-General of the Alliance of Religions and Conservation, says: “Now, post the failure of Copenhagen and the rediscovery by the environmental movement of civil society, secular groups have awakened to the potential of working with the faiths, and are increasingly viewing them as crucial partners.”

“Sustainable development isn’t just about triple bottom lines, or enlightened self- interest; primarily, it’s a heart and soul story.”
Martin’s comments come a new publication looking at faith and the environment. The publication, Moving Mountains: How can faith shape our future?, is a Green Futures special edition published by Forum for the Future, which was founded by one of the UK’s most prominent environmental campaigners, Jonathon Porritt.

In Moving Mountains, Jonathon says: “Sustainable development isn’t just about triple bottom lines, or enlightened self- interest; primarily, it’s a heart and soul story.”

Contents include population and sustainable development; sacred forests; sustainable practice around the world; how businesses are turning to faith; sustainable food and ethical consumption; and the greening of pilgrimage sites.

As Satish Kumar, editor of Resurgence, says in Moving Mountains: “If we are going to achieve sustainability, we have to be inspired by the values and visions which we find in the sphere of ethics, morality, spirituality and religion – in other words, in faith. The moment faith and sustainability are separated they lose power. But when they are united they become a force for good.”

To read a PDF version of Moving Mountains, click here.

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