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Martin Palmer's US talk on video

February 5, 2013:

When ARC Secretary General Martin Palmer visited the US in November 2012 Bozeman, Montana was one of his priority destinations. As well as housing Montana State University the town is the administrative home of The Tributary Fund, a charitable organisation dedicated to joining culture and conservation. The Tributary Fund has been a partner agency to ARC for many years and Martin is President and the Chair of the Board of Trustees.

During the time he was in Bozeman Martin was delighted to have the opportunity to give a public talk on the subject 'Stories from the World: Many Heavens, One Earth'. The event, which had been organised by the Tributary Fund, took place on Sunday December 2, 2012 in the interestingly named Procrastinator Theatre at the University and in his presentation Martin was able to give an account of the rationale for engaging religions in conservation as well as the history of ARC and the role it has played in the last 25 years of environmental politics. Despite the seriousness of the subject he was, as ever, able to bring a light touch and even a good deal of humour to the talk- something he feels is often woefully lacking amongst the doom-mongering of environmentalism.

The talk was well attended but happily anyone who missed it can now see a full video of the inspiring 55 minute presentation which the Tributary Fund and Wimberg Productions made and have now made available through both their website and Youtube.

Useful links

The Tributary Fund website

Martin Palmer wordpress site

More ARC-related videos here and here.

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