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Religious Leaders join with Climate Institute Australia

September 15 2008:

A view of the Tuvalu Islands from space. Photo by NASA from the Tuvalu Islands website:

The Climate Institute in Australia has reported on a visit to Australia by Pacific Church representatives in August 2008. The visit coincided with 39 leaders from multi-faith groups who signed an open letter calling for action to address the destruction caused by climate change.

The open letter was signed in a collaboration with the research organisation, the Climate Institute, and representatives from the Baha’i, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist faiths. They raised concerns about the challenges global communities face in connection with climate change; focussing in particular on the problems encountered by small islands and low-lying Pacific areas.

The Cook Islands and countries including Kiribati, Samoa, Tonga and Tuvalu are already witnessing the devastating consequences caused by rising sea levels.

The letter notes: “As people of faith, we affirm the fundamental value of the whole of creation, and assert that the responsibility to safeguard human flourishing and ecological integrity extends beyond economic considerations of costs and benefits”.


Link here for the full article by the Climate Institute.

Link here for more details about the Climate Institute.

Link here to read how religious leaders view the eco-crisis as being at the heart of the recent G8 Summit.
Link here for details of the G8 Summit.

Link here for news on Buddhists commiting to the environment.

And here for details of a Muslim Theology of the Sea.

Link here for news of a multi-faith walk which took place in July 2008 across Clifton Suspension Bridge with a Jewish Rabbi, a Christian Bishop and a Muslim Imam.

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