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ARCs 2016 Strategic Review

May 30, 2017:

In 2016, as we went into our third decade, ARC conducted a strategic review with members of our executive team and our trustee Glyn Davies.

The purpose was to take stock of ARC’s position, 21 years after we were founded, and to determine the charity’s future strategic direction.


Link here for the text of the review


ARC has played a critical role in bringing faiths to the environmental table. In the two decades since ARC began, all the major faiths have declared the environment to be a faith issue and now have various programmes of practical action on the environment.

However, there is still resistance from some secular groups and a sense in some quarters that the faiths should just preach whatever any environmental group feels is their core message.

The key decision arising from the 2016 review was to refocus on ARC’s original aim of facilitating the engagement between the religious and secular worlds. For example, in response to a request from the UN and OECD, we are overseeing the engagement of the major faith finance groups in investing in the SDGs, through our Faith in Finance book, and a key event in Zug in October 2017.

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