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Letter of thanks from Prince Philip to MOA-International

June 13, 2019:

Martin Palmer ARC gives Prince Philip's letter to Mr Fujio Mori, President of MOA international. In the background is the MOA silk banner, created for the Japanese launch of ARC at Atami 23 years ago, and now returning home having travelled the world.

ARC's founder HRH the Prince Philip wrote a warm letter of thanks to our long-standing sponsor and supporter, the Mokichi Okada Association International in Japan, thanking them for standing beside us for so long through the good times and the tough times.

The letter, personally signed by Prince Philip "with cordial good wishes", was given formally to the MOA International board on May 30 by ARC's secretary-general Martin Palmer. It said:

    To The Board of MOA International

    Now that the Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC) is being wound-up, I want to take this occasion to convey to the members of the Board of MOA International my thanks and appreciation for its unfailing support for ARC since its inception. Your help in encouraging the major Faiths to engage in the campaign to protect and sustain the natural environment has been invaluable. The Faiths have been able to engage the interest and concern of a whole new element of society in the conservation of nature. It has encouraged the Faiths to introduce a new motive to protect and support the natural environment.

    This has made a significant contribution to the movement for the conservation of nature at a time when the pressure of population growth and industrial development are putting ever increasing pressure on the wild plants and animals of our shrinking world.

    With cordial good wishes,


What is MOA International

MOA International is a Japanese organisation founded by Mokichi Okada, who was born in 1882 and who through his life was confronted by the realisation that material prosperity does not necessarily lead to happiness, but that human happiness is more likely to be born from truth and beauty and virtue.

His organisation has spiritual health, human health and the health of the natural world at its heart. As well as a large and inspiring Art Museum in its home town of Atami, a smaller more intimate museum at Hakone and several Wellness Centres around the world, it also founded an organic model farm, using natural farming methods in the foothills of Mount Fuji, where the air is clear and the tea deliciousl The food is grown according to natural farming methods, using old ways, respecting the soil and enhancing its innate power.

It was here at the Ohito model farm that the first major multi-faith statement on faith and food was launched as part of the overall launch of ARC

We have always found a great deal of strength and inspiration from our annual meetings with the MOA International board.

MOA International reply to HRH Prince Philip

MOA's reply to Prince Philip
Dear Sir,

Thank you very much for your most kind and thoughtful letter of appreciation handed to us by Mr Martin Palmer today.

It has been our great honor and privilege to join you in this most noble initiative of the Alliance of Religions and Conservation since its inception.

We are very happy about the results of the expansions of the awareness and practices of conservation of nature by many Faiths throughout the world.

On the close of the charity we pledge ourselves to continue to carry on the noble task through the MOA activities.

As we started a new era of Reiwa in Japan, we pray for your good health and the everlasting prosperity of the Royal family of England.

Yours faithfully

Fujio Mori,

Mokichi Okada was often ill. Western medicine gave him little relief. One day, he tried a vegetable-based diet. To his surprise, his condition improved. He decided to devote himself to learn what makes people truly healthy. He found that everything on earth has visible (physical) and invisible (spiritual) dimensions and the clue for attaining true health lies in the invisible side. From the 1950s he grew vegetables without using fertilizers or pesticides and the organic farm became an important part of the work of MOA.
President, MOA International Japan


In April 1995, shortly before ARC's International launch at Windsor Castle, ARC had its first launch at Atami, Japan, hosted by MOA International, at which the landmark Ohito Declaration on Religions, Land and Conservation was made and signed. MOA has, with WWF, been our most regular funder, with core funds given to our charity every year.

Core funding covers office costs and office staff and all the backround activities and tasks things without which any charity or organisation can simply not function. It is about the most important sponsorship you can give to any charity. It enables it to function and to fundraise for the individual projects.

Many organisations and foundations believe that it is important to give only project costs. We are grateful that MOA is not one of them. We can say, without doubt, that without their funding and support during some of our years of operation, ARC simply could not have continued.

"They have been a constant reminder that while action is essential, so are quiet reflection and delight in art and beauty," said Martin Palmer.

"Each visit to the board was accompanied by time to explore the stunning museum at Atami, and time also to sit quietly in their cherry orchard and reflect."


Ohito Declaration on religions, land and conservation

Mokichi Okada Association International

Twenty years on from the Ohito Declaration

ARC is sad to announce the death of President Kawai, 2009.

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