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Mongolian Buddhists launch Eight-Year Plan

March 22, 2010:

The latest long term environment plan created by religious leaders comes from Mongolia and was launched by Mongolian Buddhist monks and nuns earlier this month. It is the culmination of more than a year of discussions between representatives of monasteries from all 23 aimags, or regions, throughout the country.

It was launched at Gandan monastery in Ulaan Baatar, and will be downloadable from this page very soon.

Both ARC and the Tributary Fund helped the monks put the plan together, and will continue to help them put it into action. It was funded by the World Bank and the Dutch Government through the NEMO fund.

Message from Gandan

Ever since Buddhism spread in Mongolia, the people began upholding its sublime teachings on harmony, compassion and wisdom and these illuminating teachings of the Buddha has become inseparable from their daily routine.

At the very beginning of the 20th century, Mongolia was one of the few countries that could preserve its pristine nature untouched. The fact that Buddhism played a significant role in protecting the nature in Mongolia suggests that if a country combines efforts of conservation with its religious and traditional manners, it results a considerable consequence.

Unfortunately, due to certain consequences came with the communist system and the transitional period, we lost our great traditional heritage for protecting and preserving our nature.

Hence, the nature that our ancestors worshipped from generation to generation came to decline.

Therefore, we believe it is now time to go beyond religious, ethnical and political barriers for protecting our nature. Today every major religions in the world are making their contribution to preserve the planet through creating long-term action plans and even some of them have already announced the implementation.

As part of this significant worldwide campaign, we, the Mongolian Buddhists have initiatively cooperated with various organizations at national and international levels and organized series of “Compassion and Conservation” conferences amongst head monks of the urban monasteries and as well as religious representatives from every 21 aimags/provinces of Mongolia.

Currently, we Mongolian Buddhists have developed “ The Mongolian Buddhist Eight-Year plan” and are on the threshold to start its implementation . Therefore, we firmly believe that we will cooperate in the future.

May your deeds flourish smoothly as the Waxing Moon!

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