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Al Gore tells An Inconvenient Truth

August 8 2006:

Next month former vice president of the US, Al Gore, stars in what has been called "the scariest movie of the summer."

An Inconvenient Truth shows Gore's crusade to expose the myths and misconceptions that surround global warming. According to the press release: "He is seen as never before in the media - funny, engaging, open and downright on fire about getting the surprisingly stirring truth about what he calls our "planetary emergency" out to ordinary citizens before it's too late."

Interspersed with the facts and predictions about global warming is the story of Gore's personal journey: from an idealistic college student who first saw an environmental crisis looming, to a young Senator facing a family tragedy, to a man who almost became President but, when he failed, instead returned to the most important cause of his life.

In June the documentary was awarded a special Humanitas prize; the first such award in ten years. "Although the film is alarming it doesn't call us to despair; rather to get involved," said Humanitas executive director Chris Donahue. Gore has recently expressed interest in learning more about ARC's work.


To the film website.

To ten things to do to combat global warming.

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