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UN environmental champion to call for collective action on climate change

April 22, 2014:

UN environmental champion Christiana Figueres will speak in London

Representatives from all faith groups in the UK are invited to join investors, security experts and environmentalists at an important environmental event in St Pauls Cathedral, London on May 7, 2014. Speaking to the title Climate Change: Building the Will for Action Christiana Figueres (Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change) will highlight the pressing importance of collective action in tackling this urgent issue.

A leading figure in environmental politics for over 20 years, Christiana Figueres has been an active proponent of renewable energy and ‘clean’ development both in her native Central America and on the international stage, including as a negotiator in the UN Kyoto Protocol process in 1997.

Following her challenging presentation Bishop James Jones (former Bishop of Liverpool) will chair a panel including Rear Admiral Neil Morisetti (former UK Climate and Energy Security Envoy), Peter Pereira Gray (Managing Director, Wellcome Trust Investments) and Dr Tony Juniper (author and environmentalist) in looking at the impact of climate change for their sector and, along with questions from the audience, help to build the will for political action.

The event is at St Pauls Cathedral on Wednesday May 7, 2014 and begins at 6.30 pm. Tickets are free but demand is likely to be high so early booking is advised using this link.

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