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Islamic ecology in practice

The Green Guide for Hajj is available in three different languages.

The Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences runs projects and develops resources.

A collaboration between UK-based Islamic organisations Faith Regen, Global 2015 and Eco Muslim worked in partnership with ARC to produce The Green Guide for Hajj. Conceived and designed by Dr Husna Ahmed, then CEO of Faith Regen, the book was published in November 2011 to coincide with the launch of the Green Pilgrimage Network in Assisi. It has subsequently been translated into Bahasa Indonesian and Arabic with a version in Hausa being prepared for the Nigerian Muslim community. Link here for more information, including downloadable copies of the three translations.

An inspiring publication from the lively Made In Europe group.
Made In Europe is "a Muslim-led movement of young people who want to see our community leading the fight against global poverty and injustice. The planet is being destroyed by irresponsible and selfish living and it's the world's poorest who are first to feel the effects of the changing climate. This challenge will take more than just our money. Our response is rooted in the Islamic traditions of social action, justice and environmental stewardship. It's about being smart, ethical and green in the way we live."

The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) is an umbrella organisation for Muslims in the USA. Its members run projects on social, political, youth and environment.

The Inter-Islamic Network on Water Resources Development and Management (INWRDAM), Amman, Jordan. INWRDAM was established in 1987. INWDRAM is one of the leading organizations in the region involved in research related to greywater treatment and use in irrigation.

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