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Other Projects | UK Catholic Schools Eco-Newsletters

Other Projects

* ARC helps Kalmykian Buddhists revive ancient nature hunt.

* ARC works with WWF-International to compile a ground-breaking document, to explore the relationship of sacred landscapes with protected parks and places.

* Download WWF's key document, Beyond Belief in full.

* Download the World Bank's latest major publication with ARC titled Faiths and the Environment, published in 2006. Please note this is a very large file, of 6.1MB.

* Download ARC's first major publication with the World Bank, titled Faith in Conservation, full of stories about programmes and projects, published in 2003.

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Related information

August 22, 2006:
Daoists pledge to protect sacred landscapes
Last month Daoist monks and nuns representing ten major temples in Shaanxi and Gansu provinces declared formally that they would protect the environment around their sacred lands and buildings.
Vision and Strategy
ARC's vision is of people, through their beliefs, treading more gently upon the earth. Link here to find out how we achieve this.
Orthodox nuns in France conserve forest
Solan is a community of 15 Orthodox nuns in the Rhone Valley. In 1991 they restored 10ha of forest and it is now a model for environmentally aware forestry maintenance that feels like a special, sacred place.