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ARC's director to speak at philosophy and music festival

April 26, 2011:

ARC’s director, Martin Palmer, will be speaking in a debate on June 4 about the motivation behind environmental action, as part of a philosophy and music festival at Hay on Wye.

It aims to discuss what motivates our newfound environmental consciousness. Are we driven by more than an economic desire to avoid disaster? By a fundamental desire to reconnect with nature or perhaps atonement for relentless consumption?

The debate will take place at 10:30am on Saturday 4th June at Globe Hall, Hay on Wye.

The festival is called HowTheLightGetsIn, and is taking place this year between May 27th and June 5th. The theme is New Gods: Icons and Ideas in a Changed World. It includes over 350 events, plus a spectacular array of live performances, comedy nights and film screenings. A host of talks and debates will be examining the big ideas that are set to shape the world in the coming years and decades.

 To buy tickets please visit the HowTheLightGetsIn website.

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