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Happy SIKH ENVIRONMENT DAY tomorrow: 14th March 2018

March 13, 2018:

Many Sikh langar kitchens are choosing organic and low pesticide food

This week, Sikhs worldwide will be celebrating the 8th annual worldwide Sikh Vatavaran Diwas (Sikh Environment day, or SED) on and around March 14th.

This day marks the New Year in the Sikh calendar and the gurgaddi divas of Guru Har Rai Ji, who is remembered in Sikh history for his deep sensitivity to nature and its preservation.

From the beginning, in 2010, it has been a day of action about the environment, not just talking about the environment, and all around the world Sikhs will work to change how they use resources and relate to the planet.

It is particularly important because Punjab has just been identified as one of the most polluted places in the world.

Women and men take part in the Sikh Environment Day cycle rally at Amb Sahib in 2017
Some of the plans for this year include massive plantation drives, a cycle rally in Dataar, a major seminor in Ferozepur, a fortnight's celebration at Fatehgarh Sahib.... and that's just the beginning.... Link here to find out who's taking part in Sikh Environment Day 2018.

Click to register for Sikh Environment Day 2018

Link for a presentation created for gurdwaras in 2018

In March 2017, over 4100 Gurdwaras, organizations and educational institutions were involved in Sikh Environment Day through the work of ARC's sister organisation, EcoSikh.

Sikhs around the world are taking action for Sikh Environment Day this week.
In the name of Sikh Environment Day, hundreds and thousands of trees have been planted, gardens revived, flower shows, distribution of boota prasad, marathon / bicycle rallies by youth groups conducted, katha kirtans in Gurdwaras, organic langar and organic food stall setups, vehicle free day in institutions, green hola mohalla and much more.

Sikh Environment Day both celebrates and actively promotes and furthers the grassroots work being done by individuals, communities and institutions for protection of our environment.

The entire event pays tribute to the seventh Guru, Sri Har Rai ji for the environmental vision he established in his lifetime.

Link here to the EcoSikh website. Twitter and Instagram hashtag #sikhenvironmentday and #SED2018

Happy Sikh Environment Day!

Since Sikh Environment Day started, Amritsar's Golden Temple has installed solar panels on its roof
And to all who read this, Happy Sikh Environment Day 2018!


For more details:

A record-breaking Sikh Environment Day 2017

Toolkit for SED 2018

Click to register for Sikh Environment Day 2018

Link for a presentation created by UK gurdwaras for SED 2018

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