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February 10 2015:

The multi-faith event in Assisi, 1986, encouraged religious leaders to identify their spiritual ecological traditions.

This website has been compiled over many years of working with faith groups from all the world's major religions in places as far apart as Mongolia, Tanzania and British Columbia.

The common thread to all this work has been to raise awareness of the spiritual obligations that followers of these faiths have to preserve and care for the natural world and to turn this awareness into positive action for the good of the environment.

Inspiring examples

Within this site's pages is a valuable archive full of inspiring examples of how people of faith have risen to the challenge this commitment has presented them.

Sikhs celebrate their annual environment day by planting new sapling trees.
The links below will help you understand what this has all been about and what faith groups have contributed to the battle against environmental degradation, climate change and loss of biodiversity.

The big questions ...


Why should a Sikh or a Muslim care about the environment? This page has links to important theological statements from the major faiths concerning the relationship between humanity, spirituality and the natural world.


Where has all this religious environmentalism been happening? Interactive maps showing information about worldwide environmental action by faith organisations worldwide.


This Education for Sustainable Development toolkit was devised with partners in East Africa to support teachers raising environmental awareness
How have faith groups and organisations actually gone about making a difference? This is a collection of inspiring case studies of practical environmental action carried out by faith groups in line with their religious traditions.


What kind of ideas and inspiration can help in getting faith-based environmental action started? This section offers both faith-specific and general resources that could be of use to religious groups and educators involved in awareness raising, action planning and engagement in environmental interventions.


Who are the active organisations within the faith communities that are addressing these green issues? From this page you can find information about many faith-based organisations and networks engaged in environmental intervention worldwide including links to useful websites.

WHEN? When did these green developments happen? Read about key moments in the story of the Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC) and its role in furthering the impact of religious environmentalism since the Assisi declarations of 1986.

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Related pages

How ARC was formed
From its beginnings in Assisi in 1986, and later as a separate charity in 1995, how ARC grew into a worldwide network
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ARC and the Faiths
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