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ARC General Newsletters

What is the symbolism of the tiger in Daoism? Yin and yang used to be represented by a tiger and a dragon.


** June 2013: Contains updates on our three main current programmes - Green Pilgrimage Network; Wildlife, Forests and Faiths; Farming, Education and Water - as well as news of recent ARC publications available as downloads from our website.

** July 2011: Contains news about our new President, Sir Miles Hunt-Davis, and an inspiring quotation by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

** November 2010: Contains news about the first Windsor anniversary; ARCs new resource, a DVD teaching pack; information about a talk concerning the symbol of the Tiger and Daoism at Asia House; and the Faith in Food programme that was launched in Louisville this week.

** June 2010: Includes news on ARC's appearance in O Magazine, on how the faiths are working with food, and an ecological fable from the Daoists.

** Feb 2010: Includes news from Nigeria, on the Chinese New Year of the Tiger, on Lent "eco-promises" and much more...

** November 2009: Includes news on the ARC/UNDP Windsor Celebration

** July 2009: Includes news of Eco Sikh launch and a unique Faith in Water Workshop.

** April 2009: News of work by Buddhists in Mongolia, China and India, and the 28 year celebration of Birkat Ha'channah.

** November 2008: Chinese Daoists announce their draft 8 Year Plans for Environmental Protection.

** July 2008: ARC launches its Guide to 7 Year Plans with the UN.

** June 2008: The exciting Muslim Theology of the Sea and a Catholic Schools Eco Newsletter begins.

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ARC is a secular body that helps the major religions of the world to develop their own environmental programmes, based on their own core teachings, beliefs and practices.