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Powerful, poetic and playful - heaps of praise for Faith In Food

July 29, 2014:

Beautiful… amazing… engaging… powerful and poetic… that’s what people are saying about our latest book Faith in Food – changing the world one meal at a time.

Publicity for the book was given an early boost by BBC presenter Clare Balding, who invited ARC’s Secretary General Martin Palmer to talk about it on her Radio 2 Sunday morning programme in May. She said of Faith in Food: ‘If you care about what you put on your plate, this is a book to savour.’

That set the ball rolling and we have been receiving messages of support – and praise – since its publication on June 17. The foreword was written by HRH The Prince of Wales and his office thanked us for sending a copy of ‘the wonderful book Faith in Food' and wished us success in the next stage of the project.

Co-editors Susie Weldon and Sue Campbell were interviewed on Jumoke Fashola’s Inspirit programme on BBC Radio London on Sunday, July 20 and were invited to talk on Jonathan Ray’s programme on BBC Radio Bristol later the same morning.

Compassion in World Farming’s Ambassador Joyce D’Silva contributed to Faith in Food, which was published by Bene Factum Publishing, and kindly gave a speech at the launch event at The Wesley, Britain’s first ethical hotel, on June 17.

Compassion in World Farming (CiWF) also highlighted Faith in Food on its website and both Joyce and CiWF’s CEO Philip Lymbery, the author of Farmaggedon, the True Cost Of Cheap Meat, mentioned the book on Twitter.

Animal welfare should always be a matter of concern for people of faith
The book was also featured in the Sustainable Food Trust’s Top 10 Books For Summer article, where it was described as ‘the most beautiful of reference books, there to be pulled down when you want a rounded look at GMOs, insight into dietary laws or simply a powerful and poetic reminder of why our food choices have moral and ethical impacts’.

Michael Gidney, CEO of the Fairtrade Foundation, who contributed to Faith in Food, wrote saying: ‘It’s a beautiful book – wonderfully laid out and illustrated, and very engaging. I’m delighted that Fairtrade has been able to participate and do hope you feel pleased with the end result. You have every reason to be very proud of it.’

On July 8 the book, which was designed by Grace Fussell , was highlighted on the ‘Faith Matters’ blog of The Kansas City Star’s former faith columnist Bill Tammeus who ‘commended’ the book to his readers in an article titled Faith in food, food in faith

Faith in Foodwas also featured in the Eating Better newsletter where it was described as ‘beautiful’ while Clare Wood, Assistant General Secretary of Quaker Peace & Social Witness told us she thought it was ‘amazing’.

American contributors Cathy Rowan of the Maryknoll Sisters and Sister Pat Daly of the Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment both said the book was ‘beautiful’.

Christians in Ghana are working to extend cultivation and counter the devastating effects of deforestation
The Reverend Canon Sally Bingham of Interfaith Power & Light wrote to us saying: ‘Faith in Food just arrived and we have looked through it to our delight. We will not only promote the book, we'd like to use it as a workbook for our congregations that are part of our Cool Harvest program.’

We were thrilled to learn that Sister Sharon Havelak of the Sisters of St Francis of Sylvania in Ohio had written a blog about our Faith in Food book. Her friends and colleagues Sister Jeremias Stinson and Sister Grace Ellen Urban, who grow food for the homeless all year round, were featured in the book. At the end of her blog, in which she describes Faith in Food as ‘challenging… attractive… and succinct’, Sister Sharon says: ‘I’ve never realised I could eat my way to a better world.’

You can read Sister Sharon’s blog here

Photographer Chris Cooling added: ‘You have compiled an extraordinary range of opinion and comment surrounding this issue… the design is very playful as well.’

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