Thought for the Day: Beware Neo-puritan responses
to climate change
February 10, 2007:
By Martin Palmer
"Yesterday Richard Branson announced he was
offering a prize of £10 million to the first
person to invent a way of trapping carbon dioxide.
In much of the media coverage, this dramatic and
practical response to the problems of climate
change was undermined or even mocked because
Branson's Virgin airline is not only engaged in
the air travel business but also in possible space
travel. It's as if he can't do any good
environmentally because he is already irredeemably
bad. This is the way witch hunts begin.
The environmental challenge of Climate Change is
fast becoming an excuse for moralising and a new
form of Puritanism which is as ugly and as
dangerous as, say, the prohibition of alcohol in
the US in the 1920s. Prohibition was originally a
fine voluntary movement to curb the excess of
alcoholism, which when it became all powerful and
banned alcohol throughout the USA, created massive
opportunities for the gang underworld. It provoked
even worse situations than the ones they sought to
This week those of us who have been working on
climate change for many years in the environment
movement have also been coming under pressure - to
sign a document promising not to fly for the next
year except for emergencies. Recently Prince
Charles was attacked for flying to New York to
accept an environment prize. David Milliband, one
of his chief critics, has also been "caught
flying", as if the sin is catching.
But this emphasis on personal morality is only one
small part of the real picture. The fact is that
if it is as cheap and convenient to fly to Paris
as it is to commute by train from the suburbs to
the city centre, then it's hardly surprising that
people take advantage of this. The true problem is
official subsidies of cheap flights. Let's travel,
but thoughtfully, and let's pay the real price -
in terms of money and reparations to the
environment. Self-restraint, not moral absolutes.
Restraint is a core part of all major faiths. But
so is partying. Next week in preparation for
Chinese New Year on Sunday week, fasting and
self-restraint are theoretically the order of the
day for Chinese communities. But Chinese New Year
is a blow out just as Easter is the glorious
reward at the end of the austerities of Lent.
Every faith will tell you to practice mindfulness;
to be careful never to waste what God has given.
But they also want you to enjoy life, to celebrate
what you have been given. Finding the sensible
balance is what counts.
The environmental movement is in danger of
becoming a new form of oppressive morality and of
losing the real battle, when, as they will, people
get tired of such emotional blackmail. We need to
find that balance, not be intimidated into an
unrealistic position that is ultimately counter
Link to the BBC's
Thought for the Day