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3iG to be launched in April 2005

June 24, 2004:

The Interim Steering Group, who met as guests of His All Holiness Bartholomeos, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, in Istanbul in October 2003

The International Interfaith Investment Group (3iG), will be launched as an independent organisation at a conference to take place in April 2005, it was agreed at a meeting in London this week.

This builds from a meeting in Istanbul in October 2003 hosted by His All Holiness Bartholomeos, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, when faith representatives put the finishing touches to plans for launching 3iG.

The Interim Steering Group includes representatives of Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Islamic, Jain, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh and Zoroastrian investment and development funds as well as observers from the World Bank, Citigroup, Rabobank and several major foundations from the US and Europe. It has held regular meetings over the past three years to prepare the groundwork for the launch of 3iG.

Representatives of the faiths arrive at the Fener, the Patriarch's official residence in Istanbul, in October 2003
Details of the event will be circulated soon.

3iG project pages for the story behind 3iG
The Definition of a Good Investment – our 15-point summary of 3iG

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