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New Year's Message from ARC

January 1, 2011:

Link here for a New Year Message from ARC

"If we move into the New Year burdened with the problems of the past then we don't start with a sense of optimism. Whereas if we get rid of the bad, ritualistically, we go into the new year with more hope."

U-Brain TV has worked with ARC to create a New Year Message from ARC, explaining why our director and his family and village community bang dustbin lids and saucepans every year around the turn of the year, and why, most importantly, it is vital to create a sense of optimism about our shared future. U-Brain TV is a Japanese-UK voluntary collaboration designed to connect people in the fields of energy and environment and their ideas, through video and the internet.

Also on UBrain TV's newly created ARC channel are a short lecture by Martin Palmer talking about how this is not the first time that the planet has faced huge ecological issues.

"If we just think to the Jewish, Christian and Muslim traditions of the flood... there was a flood it was when the Mediterranean broke into what we think of now as the Black Sea and in the space of maybe 10 years a huge area, maybe 1000 miles across was flooded. That was because the glaciers were melting after the last ice age. And that story is used in those religious traditions to say "do you know, this is not a stable planet where you can assume everything is always going to be as you want it to be"

And for some videos of Martin Palmer talking about his life in the world of religions and conservation link here and here.


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ARC is a secular body that helps the major religions of the world to develop their own environmental programmes, based on their own core teachings, beliefs and practices.