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Living churchyards | Resources for Living Churchyard projects

Resources for Living Churchyard projects

Foggy Path Through the Churchyard photo: Neil Alderney, Flickr Creative Commons

The UK-based organisation Caring For God's Acre exists to promote the vision that churchyards and burial sites within the British Isles should be valued now and for the future for their importance to people, to history and to wildlife.

In following this aim they have prepared many resources giving practical and detailed information and advice to anyone looking to develop the care and management of churchyards and burial sites.

You can buy copies of their Action Pack and related DVDs from their website or download their excellent fact sheets from the links below.

Useful fact sheets from Caring For God's Acre Action Pack

Sheep in the Churchyard in Edensor, Derbyshire photo: UGArdener, Flickr Creative Commons
The Action Pack is organised into four sections:

Section A - Managing churchyards and burial grounds

Section B - Havens For Wildlife

Section C - Burial Grounds Through Time

Section D - Involving People

You can download English language PDF documents of the various sheets below or order the complete pack here.

All of the sheets are also available in Welsh here

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Vision and Strategy
ARC's vision is of people, through their beliefs, treading more gently upon the earth. Link here to find out how we achieve this.
What does Christianity teach about ecology?
The basic environmental beliefs of Christianity.
The Beltingham Yew
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