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Migration | Stories of the Stranger

Stories of the Stranger

Stories of the Stranger is a remarkable anthology produced in June 2014 by Bene Factum Publishing. It draws together 20 short stories from a vibrant range of story-telling traditions; including: African, Indian, Buddhist, Christian, Turkish, Korean. Each story describes 'an encounter with exiles and outsiders' and, despite the enormous diversity of time, place and religious context, they show how caring for these strangers is both a mortal duty and a blessing. Taken from original oral versions the stories have been revitalized by 12 exciting contemporary writers, including; Gordon Brown, former UK Prime Minister; established journalist and author Victoria Finlay; Benaifer Bhandari, a Zoroastrian storyteller and poet; Penguin novelist, Dr. Vayu Naidu; young novelist, Emma Geen, whose debut will be published by Bloomsbury next year; and Sef Townsend, an oral storyteller who works with refugees.

Many traditions, similar stories

The original stories were collected for ARC by Martin Palmer and Katriana Hazell from oral story-telling sessions at some of ARC's international meetings. Whether poignant, grave, funny or heart-warming, each tells of an encounter with the unknown; highlighting the dire consequences of uncharitable attitudes and the potential riches that flow from generosity. As former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown says in his foreword: "we may be more likely to find something profound in the poor exile than the all-powerful seeming priest. [This book] is an effective and subtle way to show how strangers could be neighbours and how we could all live by the golden rule common to all religions."

Publishing information

Stories of the Stranger Collected by Martin Palmer & Katriana Hazell
Illustrations by Sylvia Woodcock-Clarke
Published 2014 by Bene Factum Publishing Ltd, London
ISBN: 978-1-909657-44-1

Copies can be bought direct from Bene Factum Publishing

The book is also available through

For further information please contact Katriana Hazell, co-editor, via:


Sample chapters from Stories of the Stranger

Downloadable pdf versions of three stories from the book

The End of the World

That’s Just My Laundry

Even Kings Know The Fear of Death

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Related information

June 14, 2014:
Stories of the Stranger: The world’s stories remind us of the value of compassion
Contemporary writers retell stories old and new, gathered from many cultures, united by the theme of encounters with exiles and outsiders.
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