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Daoist 8 Year Plan

China Daoist Ecology Protection Eight Year Plan

From ancient times, Chinese Daoism has always put a great emphasis on Dao following nature.



China Daoist Ecology Protection Eight Year Plan


The continuing social and technological progress of recent years has brought a great deal of convenience to our lives while at the same time causing a deterioration of the natural environment and climate. This has cast a great shadow over the future of humanity.


From ancient times, Chinese Daoism has always put a great emphasis on Dao following nature. It pays a great attention to the harmony and balance of heaven, earth and humanity, and the balance between Yin and Yang. Humanity should obey nature’s rules, maintain the balance of our ecological system and protect the species that live beside us. This unique wisdom will be a powerful and effective weapon for us to battle the environment problems we are facing. Today, Daoism stands in the frontline of our times: it wishes to guide people through the obstacles of environmental problems through their own Daoist beliefs, and it wishes to rekindle the fire of our old wisdom to bring us new inspiration and hope.


It is for the reasons cited above that we have decided to draw up an Eight Year Plan, stretching from 2010 to 2017, which will enable us to protect the environment more effectively. Beginnning from 2010, we will start working on the six suggested areas of action listed below:

1. 在资产使用中实现生态效益的最大化

First, maximising the ecological benefit achieved from our Daoist assets

1) 土地。

a. Land

道教宫观在拥有使用权的土地上,将兴建或完善与教务和环保相关的设施。2010-2012年,进行全面规划,2013-2017 年全面推行。这些设施包括:祭祀设施、学习教育设施、生活设施,废弃物处理设施和环保宣传设施。

We will store and repair religious and environment-related facilities on land owned and used by Daoist temples. From 2010 to 2012 we will draw up an overall action plan and from 2013 to 2017 we will promote the experiences we have learned across the country. The environmental facilities include: ritual facilities, education facilities, living facilities, recycling facilities and environment-related media facilities.

Temples will be encouraged to limit the use of incense sticks to help reduce pollution.
2) 旅游与朝圣。

b. Travel and Pilgrimage


We call for a healthier and more environmentally friendly style of travel and pilgrimage. The reforms and improvements on pilgrimage styles have already started in Daoist temples and on Daoist mountains. It mainly focuses on the “three stick incense burning” – in which temples strongly promote a new tradition of burning just three sticks of incense instead of the previous many sticks - in order to reduce pollution caused by burning incense, candles, papers and fireworks on Daoist premises. From 2010 to 2012 we will carry out pilot projects (selecting one to two temples from each of the major regions) and from 2013 to 2017 we will promote and pass on the experiences we learned from these projects to temples across the country.


We will also call for a better use of the forest resources around Daoist temples. We will create special meditation sites in the forests – in order to help visitors understand nature and natural systems better during their times of relaxation and entertainment. We have already opened up such places in a few temples. From 2012 onwards we will promote this practice in the grounds of suitable Daoist temples.

3) 养生保健。


c.) Healthcare and Health practices

We will work to rediscover some of the ancient health-promoting practices within Daoism, and we will continue to open up life-nourishing, health-promoting places both within and outside Daoist temples. We will provide food therapy, medicine therapy and healthcare programs in Daoist temples and hold talks on healthcare, taichi, chi gong and other exercises and practices. Currently we are experimenting on the best way to carry out these projects. From 2010 to 2012 we will promote the experiences we have already learned in some of the Daoist temples around China and from 2013 to 2017 we will promote this in suitable temples across the country.


d. Ethical, Social and Ecological Industries and Investment


We will graduately build industries and enterprises that are related to - and accord with - Daoist principles. For example, the Mao Shan Daoist Life Nourishing Company is currently enjoying a test run. We are planning to open other Daoist Life Nourishing schools, as well as nursing homes and health care centres in suitable temples across the country. Ecological concepts will be integrated into the management of running of these places. We are planning to open up pilot projects from 2010 to 2012, and from 2013 to 2017 we will begin to promote this practice with due caution.

2. 广泛开展生态环保教育(特别对年轻人的教育)

Secondly, provide ecological education for a wide range of people, especially the young

1) 教育项目。

2) a. Education projects


In terms of facilities, we will require Daoist temples to put up or provide ecological education materials in their libraries and reading rooms.


In terms of concept, we will make it a practice to hold a Daoist ecology protection forum on a regular basis. We will also hold regular ecology protection talks in temples and give out printed materials.


Our ecology education project started from just one province, but it has already spread to 50 temples nationwide. In 2012, we are hoping to build 200 or more Daoist temples.

3) 环保管理.

b. Environment management

建立健全生态环保的规章制度。各个宫观在生态环保方面都制定有相关的规章制度,但不够完善。2010年以后,将逐步完善。至 2017 年,所有宫观斗建立有齐全的生态环保规章制度。

We will build better standards and regulations on ecology protection. Currently, all Daoist temples have made environment-related regulations, but they are not yet ideal. From 2010 onwards, we will graduately make more systematic regulations and by 2017 we hope all Daoist temples will have complete and systematic ecology regulations in place.

3) 青年机构与宿营。

c.Youth League and Camping


We will run summer camps to attract young people and students from China and abroad to pay attention to Daoist temple ecology. We will carry out a pilot project in 2010, and from 2013 onwards we will graduately promote this practice across the country.

4) 生态姐妹。

d. Ecology Sister Temples


The Maoshan Daoist temple in Jiangsu Province, and the Zhongnan Mountain Gu Lou Temples in Shanxi Province have recently become twinned temples. They can participate in each other’s religious affairs and exchange personnel and information. From 2010 onwards, we will promote this practice in certain areas. However, these twinned temples should share some common ground in order for this to work.

3. 信仰、传统与智慧

Third, belief, tradition and wisdom.

1) 保持简朴的生活传统。

a. Keeping simple lifestyles.


In Daoist temples we will continue to advocate a simple and energy saving living styles. We will also promote this kind of lifestyles to visitors and pilgrims through Daoist concepts of simplicity and thrift.

2) 培训。



Our training will be mainly carried out by separate Daoist temples, supported by training held by the Daoist Associations and the Daoist academies. In 2010 we will start three pilot projects, and from 2012 onwards we will promote this practice across the country.

3) 应对危机。

c. Crisis management


We will carry the Daoist traditions of charity and benevolence forward, and we will also participate in disaster relief and poverty alleviation through two means: material support and providing human compassionate care. When the tsunami in south Asia, the snowstorm in south China and the earthquake in Sichuan happened, Chinese Daoists actively participated in disaster relief. We have also held prayers for the living, and rituals for peace for those who died. We will make these prayers into part of our structure after 2010.

4) 祈祷仪式、语录、祈祷文。


d. Rituals, quotations and prayers

We will integrate ecological concepts into our Daoist rituals. We have already experimented with this in some of the Daoist temples - for instance, in the Purple Cloud temple in Guangdong we have written prayers for the causes of the tsunami in South Asia. From 2010 onwards, we will gradually make standards for this kind of prayers.

5) 圣地。

e.Sacred land


We will cooperate with forest and tourist organizations to hold activities that will help protect our sacred mountains. We have already started protection projects on Daoist sacred mountains like Huashan, Taishan, Hengshan, Zhongnanshan, Maoshan, Qingcheng Shan, Wu Dang shan, Luofu shan, Longhu Shan and San Qing Shan etc. From 2010 onwards we hope to cover most of the temples nationwide.

6) 故事与实践。

f. Stories and practice


We will collect traditional stories and stories to provide useful lessons for today’s environmental reality. The years 2010 to 2011 will be our collecting period: during this time we will arrange the stories we have collected, and then will print and publish them. From 2012 onwards, Daoist temples from across the country will write their own Daoist ecology story collection.

4. 日常生活

Fourth, Daily life

1) 生活起居。

a. Daily Life


Daoists should select their daily timetable and their food according to natural principles. Their living style should be environmentally friendly. They should also practice traditional Daoist life nourishing exercises, including tai chi and chi gong.


Environment friendly and energy saving should be the standards for Daoist temples’ energy choices. Daoist temples should also establish structures that will help to reprocess and recycle used items and waste.XXX. We will make standard regulations by 2010 and from 2011 onwards we will promote these experiences.

2) 朝圣旅游交通。

Travelling by pilgrims


We will call for pilgrims to walk to temples wherever possible. We will do our best to reduce damage and pollution caused by cable cars and other vehicles. We will encourage tourists to either walk or use hybrid cars or electric trams. We will also suggest that related government departments should reduce vehicle use on most Daoist tourist sites by 2017.

5. 与环境部门的合作,并创建自己的环保网络

Fifth, cooperating with environment-related departments to create our Daoist environmental network

1) 参照相关法规,争取政府环保部门的关注。

a. By asserting standards, rules and regulations, we hope to attract the attention of environmental departments of different levels of government.

2) 建立道教宫观生态环保网络。

Building the Daoist Ecology Protection Network


In 2006 we established a preliminary Daoist ecology protection network. Now, just two years later, it covers 10 provinces and areas and we hope that by 2010 it will cover most Daoist temples across the country.

3) 与国际环保机构及社团建立联系。

Forming connections with international environment organizations


With the help and guidence of Government religious departments, we have established good and effective cooperation with the Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC) and two other international environment organizations - EMF and WWF. We also have the support of the UNDP. We are hoping to expand this cooperation from 2010 onwards.

6. 庆典

Six, Celebration

1) 节日。

a. Festivals


We will emphasise ecological concepts in traditional Daoist festivals, such as the birthday of the Supreme Lord Laozi and other religious festivals. Some provinces have already begun to preach Daoist ecological concepts during Daoist festivals. From 2010 onwards, we will require all temples to emphasize ecology protection during both Daoist festivals and temple fairs.

2) 艺术形式。

b. Art and Dance


We will produce Daoist ecology songs and dances, and will use these kind of art forms during temple fairs to help pilgrims and vistors understand the concept of Daoist Ecology. In 2010, we will carry out three pilot projects and from 2012 to 2017 we will promote these practices across the country.

**** Links

*** Link here for news of the Third Daoist Ecology Forum which opened on 27 October 2008 in Jurong, near Nanjing in Jiangsu Province.

*** Link here to read the Mao Shan Declaration in Chinese and English.

*** Link here for details of Martin Palmer's introductory talk at the Daoist Ecology Forum in Jurong.

*** Link here for details of Martin Palmer's response to the Daoist Ecology Forum in Jurong.

*** Link here for details of UN's representative, Olav Kjorven's speech at the Third Daoist Ecology Forum in Jurong.

*** And link here to read an article on Daoism and climate change written by Olav Kjorven.

*** Link here to download the Daoist Eight Year Plan in pdf (209KB).

*** Link here to download the Mao Shan Declaration in pdf (116KB).

*** Link here for more Daoist eco-news.

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