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Join faiths praying for a strong climate treaty in Paris 2015

September 15, 2014:

See below for a new climate justice prayer by Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Spiritual and religious leaders from around the world are launching the interfaith our initiative this week to encourage world leaders to hear the moral imperative for a global climate treaty by the December 2015 Meetings in Paris.

The focus is also on praying for people and governments to have the determination to protect the planet through positive action.

“Our aim is to bring faith to the climate talks,” said spokesperson, Tessa Tennant.

Our offers us all a means to express, from the depths of our spirituality or faith our love and desire for a prosperous future for our children, for the most vulnerable and our precious planet.”

The Spirit of Our Voices


In this video about the climate crisis, and need for a moral response, UN climate leader Christiana Figueres said: “if prayer or meditation is your contribution, join which aims to trigger reflection across faiths everywhere around the globe”

“The Earth is a stunning gift, home to all that we love.” said the Rev. Fletcher Harper, coordinator “Together we can build an enormous community whose outpouring of prayers, action and genuine concern can help create the positive future we all want.”

Creator God, You have called us to be keepers of your Earth;  Through greed, we have established an economy that destroys the web of life. We have changed our climate and drown in despair.  Let oceans of justice flow,  May we learn to sustain and renew the life of our Mother, Earth   We pray for our leaders, custodians of Mother Earth;  as they gather in New York City at the climate talks  May they negotiate with wisdom and fairness,  May they act with compassion and courage,   and lead us in the path of justice for the sake of our children and our children’s children.--Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s Climate Change prayer
Archbishop Tutu’s Prayer for Sept. 14

Archbishop Desmond Tutu has written a prayer for and encourages faith communities worldwide to offer this prayer, or their own prayers, to draw attention to the People’s Climate March in New York City the following Sunday, September 21.

At least 1,000,000 are expected to participate in the March and shadow marches are planned in many other countries.

Sea Prayers

Through, faith leaders around the world have been offering Sea Prayers, in which people of diverse faiths stand in the ocean, offering prayers in solidarity with those threatened by sea level rise.

Three Steps is creating a global, multi-faith community around three simple activities.

1. Add Your Voice to Our Voices

The first is an on-line sign-up, through which aims to gather signatures from tens of millions of people of faith and spirit worldwide who lift their voice in mindful, prayerful concern about climate change. The goal is to build a massive number that can lift the spirits of world leaders, giving them the boost in support they need to agree to a strong climate treaty.

2. Power in Prayer and Spiritual Practice

The second activity builds on the power of spiritual practice. will encourage everyone to offer prayers, devotions, and meditations for a meaningful climate deal. By means of the Prayer Calendar, people can participate according to their own tradition. In addition, will organize global days of prayer and action for a strong climate treaty to empower faith communities worldwide to have a voice on climate and give them the chance to show their hopes and concerns publicly. The first occasion is: Sept. 21 Global Day of Prayer and Action when faith and spiritual communities will make a Global Climate Chorus at 1:00 pm in their own time zone. They will be invited to ring their bells, sound a shofar, offer a public call to prayer, ring a meditation gong, bell or han, chant a mantra, or conduct an outdoor walking prayer/meditation, sing a hymn or gurbani etc, creating a global chorus of outdoor prayers for the climate around the world. Sign up your faith community for the Global Climate Chorus on Sept. 21.

3. Share the Stories

Thirdly, through the internet, and traditional media, will lift up the voices and stories of faith communities that are working to create and advocate for a sustainable, clean energy future, and to help people affected by climate change. Follow @ourvoices2015 to keep track of the news, and share your Twitterfeed with us, so we can follow your community’s good work.

Multi-Faith Leadership is engaging a diverse audience. Leaders and practitioners from Buddhist, Christian, Confucian, Daoist, Jewish, Hindu, Humanist, Indigenous, Jain, Muslim, Shinto, Sikh, Unitarian Universalist and other communities, from all continents, are becoming involved as Ambassadors and in other ways.

Connect Now

• Offer a prayer, either privately or publicly, for an effective climate change agreement in December
• Add your voice to our voices at our
• Follow @ourvoices2015 on twitter and Facebook
• Follow @arcworld on twitter and Facebook
• Join the Global Climate Chorus

Together, a global, multi-faith community can raise our voices and create a path to a positive future.

Notes for Editors was created in 2014 as a direct response to UN Climate Leader Christiana Figueres’s call for the moral imperative for a global climate deal to be a constant factor at the negotiations. In her view, it may be very difficult to reach a meaningful deal without it. More than 80% of the world’s population claims affiliation with a faith or spiritual belief and all faiths have care for the environment as an integral part of their tradition. The voice of the faith world on climate, demanding a meaningful global climate deal will be clearly shown through

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Join faiths praying for a strong climate treaty in Paris 2015
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