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News coverage of the Summit of Conscience, Paris July 21 2015

July 21, 2015:

French Media

We are very grateful to our colleagues at Bayard for this extensive list of their selection of, mostly French language, media. There were more than 200 articles, over three days of the Why Do I Care Summit.

July, 21, 2015, coverage of the Summit of Consciences (link to come)

July, 22, 2015, coverage of the Summit of Consciences (link to come)

July, 23, 2015, coverage of the Summit of Consciences (link to come)

Selected English language media on Summit of Conscience.

Guardian, July 27, 2015 (John Vidal) Sebastião Salgado focuses on big picture with parable of reforestation in Brazil. At a Paris climate change meeting, the celebrated Brazilian photographer joined Bishop Fredrick Shoo of Tanzania in extolling the merits of reseeding forests.

IPS News, July 24, 2015 (A.D McKenzie) Faith Leaders Issue Global “Call to Conscience” on Climate. “We received a garden as our home, and we must not turn it into a wilderness for our children.” These words by Cardinal Peter Turkson summed up the appeal launched by dozens of religious leaders and “moral” thinkers at the Summit of Conscience for the Climate, a one-day gathering in Paris earlier this week aimed at mobilising action ahead of the next United Nations climate change conference (COP 21) scheduled to take place in the French capital in just over four months.

Daily Mail, July 22, 2015 (Elaine O'Flynn) Global warming is not science fiction says Arnold Schwarzenegger, as he calls on world powers to fight ‘battle in the real world’. Arnold Schwarzenegger has pleaded for the world to take the threat of global warming seriously, saying: 'This is bigger than any movie.' The Terminator star and former Republican Governor of California was picked to join a panel of experts, including Nobel prizewinners, to speak at the first ever 'summit of conscience' in Paris.

Strait Times, July 22, 2015 (AFRP, Paris) France signals 'breakthrough' in climate talks. France signalled a "breakthrough" on Tuesday at 46-nation talks in Paris tasked with paving the way for a highly-anticipated climate rescue pact to be inked in December.

Euronews, July 21, 2015 Climate change ‘a matter of conscience’ at Paris summit.

Guardian, July 21, 2015 (John Vidal) Arnold Schwarzenegger: climate change is not science fiction. Terminator star calls global warming a ‘battle in the real world’ that’s bigger than any movie, at the first summit of conscience for the climate in Paris.

Press TV, July 21, 2015 (Press TV) Paris environment forum achieves breakthrough: Top negotiator. A senior French climate negotiator says that there has been a “breakthrough” in the talks on the ways to tackle global warming in the French capital, Paris.

International Business Times, July 21, 2015 (Eban Blake) French President François Hollande Says Global Climate Deal 'Must Be Found'. French President François Hollande called on Tuesday for the upcoming United Nations climate conference in France to deliver an ambitious deal to address the growing global warming crisis. As mayors of almost 60 cities worldwide met at the Vatican climate conference with Pope Francis to sign a pledge supporting an international accord to confront global warming, Hollande delivered his address at the "Summit of Conscience for the Climate" in Paris before international dignitaries.

RTE News, July 21, 2015 (RTE News) President calls for moral courage to respond to climate change. President Michael D Higgins has told a climate change summit in Paris that we are at a moment of truth in relation to climate and that we will require moral courage to effectively respond to the now urgent effects of climate change.

Irish Times, July 21, 2015 (Irish Times) Higgins warns climate failure will lead to ‘destruction of life’. A failure to respond to the “scientific reality of climate change” may lead to the “destruction of life on our planet”, President Michael D Higgins has told... the “Summit of Consciences for the Climate” organised by President François Hollande.

Mindanao Daily, July 20, 2015 (Canunayon) Legarda on Paris Summit of Consciences: Let Us Be The Change We Seek. SENATOR Loren Legarda today said that the important goal of the Summit of the Consciences for the Climate is to enjoin every citizen of the world to take action to address climate change.

AFP: PARIS, July 17, 2015 (AFP) - Some 40 influential people from around the world will gather in Paris this Tuesday, at the "Summit of conscience for the climate", in an appeal as part of the struggle against global warming. “Why Do I Care” is the summit's slogan, it's aim to limit global warming by reducing the consumption of fossil fuels. It was initiated by former journalist Nicolas Hulot, now special envoy of President Francois Hollande for the protection of the planet.

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