World Council of Churches supports All Hallows REACH initiative
copyright Peter Williams/WCC |
"For many years now, the WCC has taken the integrity of creation as a major
theological and social issue. It is significant that we include this work
under the wider title of justice, peace and the integrity of creation for
our view is that the environment is about people, justice and peace as well
as about caring for all that God has created.
"It is for this reason that I am writing in support of the REACH legislation
now in front of the EU. From a theological perspective, REACH is about
attempting to restore a proper respect and balance for the wonderful
harmonies of creation. This vision was well expressed by the World Council
of Churches in the statement from the meeting in Granvollen, Norway, which
"Creation came into being by the will and love of the Triune God and as such
possesses an inner cohesion and goodness. Though human eyes may not always
discern it, every creature and the whole creation in chorus bear witness of
the glorious unity and harmony with which creation is endowed."
"It is for this reason that we support the ARC/WWF initiative, which bluntly
confronts us with the fact that the chemicals we have unleashed are
threatening the very unity and harmony, indeed the very integrity of
creation itself. This is something that Christians cannot be passive about
for it is an assault upon the loving creation of God.
"We urge all Christians to make use of the prayers and liturgy specially
created to focus our theological reflections on this crucial issue. We
particularly recommend there use during the festivals of All Saints and
Advent, times when the Church has traditionally looked at its vision of the
unity and purpose of all life, linked through the unity of creation in God.
"REACH is at last a European recognition of the fact that we stand on the
edge of terrible disruption of creation and of our own human communities. We
note especially the risk to the most vulnerable in society, the young,
mothers, the elderly and the poor. This is why for us it is justice, peace
and the integrity of creation, which lie at the heart of this issue.
"In 1990, the WCC adopted a series of Affirmations concerning justice, peace
and the integrity of creation. Let me close by quoting part of Affirmation
"We will resist the claim that anything in creation is merely a resource
for human exploitation. We will resist species extinction for human benefit;
consumerism and harmful mass production; pollution of the land, air and
waters; all human activities which are now leading to probable rapid climate
change; and the policies and plans which contribute to the disintegration of
Signed by
Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia
General Secretary