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Audio versions of the Faith in Water workshop

August 27 2009:

The first includes interviews with delegates from the faiths, about their theological understanding of how water is life.

The second enhanced podcast includes interviews with delegates from the secular side, about some of the critical issues they are seeing, and how religions can help, and are helping. In this section the secular organisations talk of their commitment and desire to work more closely with the world's faiths to ensure water is available to all in the future.

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8 September, 2009:
Faith in Water workshops leads to new network, partnerships, actions, ideas
This first Faith in Water conference resulted in an astonishing array of new and possible partnerships, including the UN family (UNDP, UNICEF, UN-HABITAT) inviting faiths to become official partners on these issues, and the World Bank suggesting the faiths become partners in particular in the Bank’s annual Water Week.
August 27 2009:
Audio versions of the Faith in Water workshop
Award winning podcast maker and broadcaster Mary Colwell has created two fascinating enhanced audio segments about the important role that faiths can play in addressing the water crisis... recording the thoughts of people who attended the Alliance of Religions and Conservation conference on faith, water and development in July 2009 in Salisbury, UK.
ARC at a glance
ARC is a secular body that helps the major religions of the world to develop their own environmental programmes, based on their own core teachings, beliefs and practices.