Follow ARC's Twitter and Facebook accounts
ARC has created a Twitter account: link here to follow us. Our aim is, in 140 characters, to give a regular, haiku-like glimpse into what it is for faith to be working on conservation and nature issues.
Posts include: Just read SH Nasr's observation that the environmental crisis is an outer manifestation of the barrenness of our inner lives.
Would Christ weep if he saw a spectacled duck shot on her nest? People: "yes" priests "no". The Tablet has story: http://tinyurl.com/8wn2na.
Reading Rabbi Israel Salantar: "First, a person should put his house together, then his town, then the world."
Remembering an Orthodox nun in France. When they take on a new job they don't make changes for 3 months: then they KNOW what needs changing.
And link here to like us on Facebook.