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ARC has created a Twitter account: link here to follow us. Our aim is, in 140 characters, to give a regular, haiku-like glimpse into what it is for faith to be working on conservation and nature issues.

Posts include:

Just read SH Nasr's observation that the environmental crisis is an outer manifestation of the barrenness of our inner lives.

Would Christ weep if he saw a spectacled duck shot on her nest? People: "yes" priests "no". The Tablet has story:

A spectacled eider. PHOTO: BBC World On The Move.

Reading Rabbi Israel Salantar: "First, a person should put his house together, then his town, then the world."

Remembering an Orthodox nun in France. When they take on a new job they don't make changes for 3 months: then they KNOW what needs changing.

And link here to like us on Facebook.

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ARC is a secular body that helps the major religions of the world to develop their own environmental programmes, based on their own core teachings, beliefs and practices.
Follow ARC's Twitter and Facebook accounts
Follow ARC on Twitter and Facebook