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Muslim Association for Climate Change Action to launch internationally in Indonesia in January

November 25, 2009:

The Muslim Association for Climate Change Action (MACCA) will hold its first General Congress meeting on January 26-27 in Bogor, Indonesia, which is likely to be announced as the country's first green Islamic city.

The meeting will be hosted by the Indonesian Government’s Ministry of Forestry. “The MACCA project is a very important project for Muslims all over the world, and working to adapt to climate change is a top priority within the environmental challenge, said Indonesia’s Minister of Forestry HE Mr Zulkifli Hasan.

“The Indonesian government has committed to reduce carbon emissions by 26% through 2020 and is willing to support the MACCA organization and the Muslim Seven-Year Action Plan by hosting its first conference in Bogor, Indonesia,” Mr Hasan added.

Dr Mahmoud Akef, the Executive Director of Earth Mates Dialogue Centre met with the mayor of Bogor earlier this month and was able to announce that the MACCA General Congress meeting would lead to a declaration of Bogor city as Indonesia’s first official green Islamic city. This follows the pledge made in the Muslim Seven Year Action Plan which was launched at Windsor on November 3, 2009, at the ARC-UNDP Many Heavens One Earth celebration in the presence of HRH Prince Philip and HE the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon.

Bogor, in the hills some 60km away from the capital of Jakarta, is an ideal place to launch MACCA. It is the site of the country’s foremost botanical gardens, established in 1817 under the Dutch administration, with many old trees, an important botanical library and a training centre.

At the first General Congress meeting in Bogor 2010, the officers of the organization will be elected. Until that time, to help manage interim activities and events, a temporary committee has been set up, with Dr Akef as chair, joined by Dr Fauzi Masud (Indonesia), Dr. Ramadan Maklad (Egypt), DrAbdelkader Allali (Morocco), and Dr. Nadeem Siddiqi (USA.


For more information on MACCA go to the Earth-mates website Tel: +44 208 960-7158 E-mail:



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November 25, 2009:
Muslim Association for Climate Change Action to launch internationally in Indonesia in January
The Muslim Association for Climate Change Action (MACCA) will hold its first General Congress in January in Bogor, Indonesia, which will be announced as the country's first green Islamic city. The meeting will be hosted by Indonesia’s Ministry of Forestry.