Faith In Food is the Church Times pick of 2014
December 16, 2014:
The leading Anglican weekly newspaper Church Times has included ARC’s Faith in Food book in its annual Christmas selection of top reads.
Writing in the paper’s annual Christmas Book supplement the Church Times food book reviewer Joe Speed selected Faith In Food: Changing the world one meal at a time as one of his three top books of 2014.
"FAITH IN FOOD is the most uplifting book I have read this year. That is hard to believe, given its core subject matter — food poverty — but its showcase of initiatives by groups and individuals who practise the great religions and help to feed the world is truly inspiring.
"The Alliance of Religions and Conservation commissioned this book as a spotlight on producers of practical solutions to help some of the billion people who do not have enough to eat. The case studies, first person articles, and bite-sized facts gathered by the authors, Susie Weldon and Sue Campbell, range in the scale of their impact, but all merit their place: a Muslim group in the Middle East extols the virtues of filtered tapwater over bottled, where desert terrain generally trumps fear for the environment; mass feeding projects organised by Sikhs feed 30 million people a week; a Jewish activist in Kentucky drives 100 miles to buy fresh produce for deprived families.
'The most inspiring book I have read this year.' Joe Speed, Church Times |
"These are among dozens of eclectic, lifeaffirming stories dis persed among chapters with a focus on farmers, communities, Chris tianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, Sikhism, and Buddhism. There are recipes, too, from hot cross buns for Christians to lamb biryani to break the fast during Eid. Worthy it isn’t; fascinating, hopeful, and encouraging it is." (Joe Speed, Church Times, November 28, 2014)
The book had already received on-line plaudits from Compassion in World Farming, the Sustainable Food Trust and the Fair-trade Foundation.
One of the brightly illustrated pages from Faith In Food |
Useful linksFind the review (and order the book) in the Church Times Christmas Book supplement
Bene Factum Publishing
More praise for Faith in Food
Faithful Farming
ARC is working with Christian and Muslim communities in Africa on faith-based approaches to sustainable agriculture. |
Faith in food
Faith in Food is about people of faith honouring their values in the food they eat. Food has always played a central role in religious life – in worship and celebration, through foods that are sacred, prasad or forbidden, and in communion and Passover, Ramadan and harvest festivals. |
July 29, 2014:
Powerful, poetic and playful - heaps of praise for Faith In Food
We don't like to brag but ... plenty of people have been very complimentary about our newly published book. Read what they say here. |