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Key ARC partner featured in major US faith publication

January 19 2011:

The New Psalmist Baptist Choir performs at ARC's Windsor Celebration, November 2009.

Baltimore's New Psalmist Baptist Church, a key ARC partner, has featured in Faith & Leadership, a major online faith-based publication by the prestigious Duke Divinity school, part of Duke University in North Carolina, US.

The article, which was inspired by an article on ARC's Windsor Castle event in Oprah Winfrey's O Magazine details the opening of the New Psalmist Baptist Church's new $25 million campus as well as the church's positivity towards environmental thinking.

"Think globally, act locally. Then act globally.

In mid-October, members of Baltimore’s New Psalmist Baptist Church celebrated the opening of their gleaming new campus with prayer, song and dance.

Dubbed the “Holy City of Zion” by the church’s 7,000-plus members, the 175,000-square-foot space is three times the size of their old church and boasts a banquet facility, an exercise center and a stunning theater-style sanctuary that seats 4,000 worshippers.

But for all its amenities, the new church was missing something -- and members noticed right away.

“This building is three times the size of the old building. I’m still getting lost,” said the Rev. Alfred J. Bailey II, minister of missions and outreach. “But they wanted to know, ‘Where’s our recycle bin? The old church had one.’”

For the full article, to which ARC contributed, please follow this link to the Faith & Leadership website.


New Psalmist Baptist Church website

Faith & Leadership website

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November 5, 2009:
Windsor Celebration 2009
The Windsor Celebration of Faiths and the Environment has been "a huge success", says ARC Secretary General Martin Palmer. As well as marking the launch of hugely impressive long-term plans on the environment by nine of the world's major faiths, the event saw leading secular groups pledge their commitment to work with the religions and the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon acknowledge the faiths' vital role in discussions on the planet. Visit our dedicated Windsor website