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Green Pilgrimage Network to meet in Trondheim in 2013

October 9, 2012:

The shrine of St Olav in Nidaros Cathedral, Trondheim, is one of Europe's major pilgrimage destinations.

Following on from the inaugural celebrations in Assisi in 2011, dates have now been announced for the second official international meeting of the Green Pilgrimage Network (GPN) which will take place in the holy city of Trondheim, Norway in July 2013.

The meeting will be attended by representatives of the 12 pilgrimage sites currently making up the GPN as well as staff from partner agencies and will review progress on implementing the action plans presented in Assisi.

Jointly organised by The Municipality of the City of Trondheim, the Diocese of Nidaros, The Church of Norway and The Alliance of Religions and Conservation the event will take place from July 25 to July 29, 2013 and will coincide with the annual St Olav festival which is Northern Europe's largest pilgrimage event.

For the latest information on the meeting check here .

For more information on the pilgrimage city of Trondheim and the Nidaros Diocese check here .

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