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Sustainable activities for Jewish Tu B'shvat Festival of Trees

February 6, 2012:

The Tu B'shvat festival reminds Jews of the importance of their relationship with the earth and all that grows on it.

Jewish environmental organisations promote sustainable activities for Tu B'shvat 2012

US-based Jewish environmental organisation Hazon has released a new edition of its 'Healthy, Sustainable Tu B'Shvat Resources' in time for this year's festival on February 7, 2012. Of the four New Year festivals in the Jewish calendar Tu Bishevat reminds Jews of their relationship with the earth and the food that grows on it. This is traditionally celebrated both by a special feast of fruit and wine and also with the planting of trees, with the Jewish National Fund involving people all over Israel in tree-planting activities on this special day.

Recognising the environmental focus of Tu B'Shvat, Hazon are keen to promote the opportunity to raise environmental awareness in Jewish communities. According to their website: "This year we would like to have Tu B'Shvat Shabbat tables across America discussing sustainability and environmental issues." and the updated resource pack contains "tips and suggestions for ways you can get into the spirit of the holiday while celebrating your values of living well by the earth." You can acess the pack, which includes sustainable recipes and awareness-raising activities, by clicking here.

For the UK's Big Green Jewish Organisation Tu B'Shvat 2012 marks the end of their 'Year of the Bagel', focused on sustainability and food, and the beginning of their 'Year of the Bike' aimed at green transport issues with planned activities including a Rabbi Relay bike ride along the length of the UK mainland. Click here to access the Big Green Jewish webiste with links to activities and learning packs related to Tu B'Shvat and the environment.

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