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PRESS RELEASE: How can China’s Daoists help save the planet? Book launch in Beijing

April 22, 2014:

Book: Sacred Mountains
Author: Allerd Stikker (Illustrations: Rosa Vitalie)
Publisher: Bene Factum Publishing (, 2014

Book launch, attended by the author:

The Bookworm Bookshop, 4 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Between 7.30-9.00pm on April 26, 2014
Admission: 50RMB/40RMB
Contact phone number: 6586 9507

How the revival of Daoism is turning China's ecological crisis around

Air pollution is just one of many environmental issues resulting from China’s phenomenal industrial growth. But while the authorities are drafting tough new anti-pollution legislation other more surprising moves have been going on to address these 21st century problems with the ancient wisdom of Daoism, China’s oldest religion.

One of Rosa Vitalie's vivid illustrations specially commissioned for Sacred Mountains
In October 2011 the Third International Daoist Forum was held in Heng Shan, Hunan Province. It was attended by government officials, business people and academics together with Daoists from China and beyond. The question being addressed was how the wisdom of Daoism could be deployed to solve the social and ecological problems currently facing China. For Dutch businessman-turned-environmentalist Allerd Stikker this moment of official recognition for a once reviled religion represented an almost unbelievable milestone in his 20-year involvement with Daoism.

Sacred Mountains is his eyewitness account of how Daoism began to revive in late 20th century China, first by restoring temples and sacred places, then by forming organised alliances to promote ecology in line with the fundamental Daoist notions of balance rooted in nature. At the same time as charting this remarkable progress towards the Heng Shan conference the book also recounts Stikker’s personal journey, as his sympathetic exploration of Daoist wisdom led him to an ever greater involvement with Chinese Daoists.

Author Allerd Stikker
Sacred Mountains tells a story that is still unfolding of ancient truths speaking to contemporary problems. And with the planet’s well-being at stake it’s a story that affects us all.

Useful links

Bene Factum Publishing

Ecological Management Foundation (EMF) (the organisation set up by Allerd Stikker to promote clean and safe water supplies worldwide)

Article published in China Dialogue by ARC Secretary General Martin Palmer about the role of religions in Chinese environmentalism.

Notes to editor

HRH The Duke of Edinburgh discusses Sacred Mountains with ARC Secretary General Martin Palmer during an audience at Buckingham Palace.
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