Writing on the Wall: How can Poetry Can Save the Planet? June 3. Waterloo.
May 17, 2017:
The conservation movement’s language is so often of fear, anger and despair. But poetry can take us down different paths, and find wonder there.
Poets, thinkers, writers and others who care for the natural world will gather in Waterloo on Saturday, June 3, 2017 for a unique interactive day of exploring and learning how poetry can help us protect the environment.
Writing on the Wall is:
- A day of poetic action and reflection for the planet. The first in a series.
- A chance for new and established poets, budding writers, fans of poetry and anyone stirred by the environment message and crisis to build a vision of what the world might be, using poetry as a catalyst.
- A new collaboration between poets and the wider world of faiths, ecologists and governments
- Supported by The Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC), WWF-UK and the Southbank Festival’s Belief and Beyond Belief, of which Writing on the Wall is part.
The conservation movement’s language is so often of fear, anger and despair. But poetry can take us down different paths, and find wonder there.
Our invitation to the audience during this interactive day is to help build a vision, through words, of what the world might be. To go beyond the boundaries of despair and think again about the way we live in this world. And to explore a way of being together, being part of the world and not apart from it.
“Poetry, at its best, speaks directly to both heart and mind,” said poet Jay Ramsay who has put the programme together for the Southbank Festival.
“It can do what little else can do. It can speak a language that moves beyond the data of climate change, beyond the tragedy of habitat loss and species extinction, into a place of truth, where we can find a vision of a different kind of ending. Effective poetry stirs us, evoking reactions and provoking thought and, hopefully, action and commitment.
Writing on the Wall is an invitation to everyone to step “beyond a world of eco-deliverables and eco-miserables” and to delight in the wonder of the world around us.
The full day programme includes a writing workshop on how to incorporate a true and authentic vision of nature into your writing. Throughout the day there are talks, discussions, meditations and performances featuring poets, musicians, conservationists, writers and representatives from faith, spirituality and publishing groups.
The poets, speakers and musicians include: Jeni Couzyn, Glyn Davies (WWF), Aidan Andrew Dun, Irina Kuzminsky, Paul Matthews, Caroline McCausland, Niall McDevitt, Jehanne Mehta, Gabriel Bradford Millar, Helen Moore, Peter Owen Jones, Jay Ramsay, Nigel Shaw,.
Next stepsThis is just the beginning. There are plans for an event at Dartington College in April 2018 and the project encourages anyone who is interested to take this further, using poetry - their own poems or other people’s - to provoke discussion, encourage debate and give hearts and minds a good shake.
Details:Venue: St John’s Waterloo Date: Saturday 3rd June Times: 10am - 17.30: activities throughout the day. Tickets: £20. Further details and bookings.
Press Tickets:
Sarah Dallas 07980-224-632 comms@stjohnswaterloo.org