Goroka Declaration on Christians and the
Interfaith document, 23 May 2003:
An inter-church commitment to care for the
environment in Papua New Guinea - undergirded by
the Evangelical Alliance of PNG
We Christian leaders who have met in Goroka for a
week (May 25-30, 2003) of consultation on the
theology of the environment declare that from now
on we are making a serious commitment to promoting
care of the environment in PNG through education,
advocacy, motivation and practical support. We
will preach the message in our churches and
provide a variety of relevant written materials.
As followers of Jesus Christ, committed to the
full authority of the Scriptures, we confess we
have not always taken an active and positive role
in the solution of our ecological problems. We are
aware that many environment conservation
initiatives are being undertaken by individuals
and organisations, both government and non
government, and we acknowledge and applaud these
efforts. We believe it is now time for the
churches to play their part more strongly than in
the past, and therefore we commit ourselves to
acting strongly and wisely to this end, giving
full consideration to our special cultural and
physical context.
We declare that:
• Because we worship and honour the Creator, we
seek to cherish and care for the creation.
• Because we have been ignorant we have failed in
our stewardship of creation; therefore we repent
of the way we have allowed the destruction of the
Creator's work.
• Because, in Christ, God has healed our
alienation from God and extended to us the first
fruits of the reconciliation of all things, we
commit ourselves to working in the power of the
Holy Spirit to share the Good News of Christ in
word and deed, to work for the reconciliation of
all people in Christ, and to extend Christ's
healing to suffering creation.
• Because we are called to be stewards of God's
creation as commanded in Genesis 1:28 and 2:15, we
commit ourselves to action that is caring,
informed and constructive.
Many concerned people, convinced that
environmental problems are more spiritual than
technological, are exploring the world's
ideologies and religions in search of
non-Christian spiritual resources for the healing
of the earth. As followers of Jesus Christ, we
believe that the Bible calls us to respond in four
• First, God calls us to confess and repent of
attitudes which devalue creation, and which twist
or ignore biblical revelation to support our
misuse of it. Forgetting that 'the earth is the
Lord's', we have often simply used creation and
forgotten our responsibility to care for it.
• Second, our actions and attitudes towards the
earth need to proceed from the centre of our
faith, and be rooted in the fullness of God's
revelation in Christ and the Scriptures. We resist
both ideologies which would presume the Gospel has
nothing to do with the care of non-human creation
and also ideologies which would reduce the Gospel
to nothing more than the care of that creation.
• Third, we seek carefully to learn all that the
Bible tells us about the Creator, creation, and
the human task. In our life and words we declare
that full good news for all creation which is
still waiting 'with eager longing for the
revealing of the children of God' (Rom. 8:19).
• Fourth, we seek to understand what creation
reveals about God's divinity, sustaining presence,
and everlasting power, and what creation teaches
us of its God-given order and the principles by
which it works.
We believe that in Christ there is hope, not only
for men, women and children, but also for the rest
of creation which is suffering from the
consequences of human sin.
• Therefore we call upon all Christians to
reaffirm that all creation is God's; that God
created it good; and that God is renewing it in
• We encourage deeper reflection on the
substantial biblical and theological teaching
which speaks of God's work of redemption in terms
of the renewal and completion of God's purpose in
• We seek a deeper reflection on the wonders of
God's creation and the principles by which
creation works. We also urge a careful
consideration of how our corporate and individual
actions respect and comply with God's ordinances
for creation.
• We encourage Christians to incorporate the
extravagant creativity of God into their lives by
increasing the nurturing role of beauty and the
arts in their personal, ecclesiastical, and social
• We urge individual Christians and churches to be
centres of creation's care and renewal, both
delighting in creation as God's gift, and enjoying
it as God's provision, in ways which sustain and
heal the damaged fabric of the creation which God
has entrusted to us.
• We recall Jesus' words that our lives do not
consist in the abundance of our possessions, and
therefore we urge followers of Jesus to resist the
allure of wastefulness and over-consumption by
making personal lifestyle choices that express
humility, forbearance, self-restraint and
• We call on Christians to work for godly, just,
and sustainable economies which reflect God's
sovereign economy and enable men, women and
children to flourish along with all the diversity
of creation. We recognize that poverty forces
people to degrade creation in order to survive;
therefore we support the development of just, free
economies which empower the poor and create
abundance without diminishing creation's
• We commit ourselves to work for responsible
public policies which embody the principles of
biblical stewardship of creation.
• We invite Christians - individuals,
congregations and organizations - to join with us
in this Christian declaration on the environment,
becoming a covenant people in an ever-widening
circle of biblical care for creation.
• We call upon Christians to listen to and work
with all those who are concerned about the healing
of creation, with an eagerness both to learn from
them and also to share with them our conviction
that the God whom all people sense in creation
(Acts 17:27) is known fully only in the Word made
flesh in Christ the living God, who made and
sustains all things.
• We make this declaration knowing that until
Christ returns to reconcile all things, we are
called to be faithful stewards of God's good
garden, our earthly home.
Belden Kepi, Research & Conservation Foundation
Pastor Boisen Asi , Christian Revival Crusade
Bishop Clarence Kapali, United Church Highlands
Bishop Denys Ririka , Anglican Church of PNG
Major Dinunu Nenewa, The Salvation Army
Pastor George Manman, Christian Outreach Centre
Pastor Gireva Gireva, Christian Life Centre
(Pinewood Ch.)
Pastor Martin Wayne, Baptist Union of PNG
Pastor Mathew Tapus, Christian Apostolic
Captain Patrick Wascu, The Salvation Army
Pastor Simon Agateva, Open Bible Church
Pastor Simil Hondolwa, Tiliba (Good News)
Christian Church
Rev. Siulangi Kavora, United Church Goroka
Rev. Taiya Zawia, St John's Lutheran Church,
Pastor Tamat Irarue, Lihona Village Representative
Pastor Wilson Reré, Foursquare Church
David Kima, EAPNG, General Secretary
30 May 2003