Here is ARC's archive of older videos exploring the ideas and practices behind the coming together of religions and conservation. For the most recent ARC-related videos see our audio/video pages.
December 8, 2009:
The world's faith leaders are in Copenhagen for the historic United Nations Climate change Conference - and Mark Dowd, of UK-based Operation Noah, is there to record their thoughts for the Faith at the Summit programme produced by Odyssey Networks, the US's largest coalition of Christian, Jewish and Muslim faith groups dedicated to promoting peace and social justice.
November 30, 2009:Why we are Waiting Launch of the Church of England's 2009 video Advent calendar - with advent as a time to think about our lifestyles, making them more sustainable, more generous, and more gentle to the earth: interviews with UK international Development Secretary Douglas Alexander, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Archbishop John Sentamu. "Slow down, and take time:" John Sentamu.
August 2009:
An enhanced audio interview by award winning broadcaster Mary Colwell, ARC's Catholic consultant, with a Cornish farmer who lives his Catholic faith through keeping nature close to our spiritual life. "He put us in charge of the environment."
May 2009: The Prince's Rainforests Project invited Sarah Brightman to sing at an event they hosted to engage the financial community in the task of finding a solution to the problem of making rainforests worth more alive than dead. The music is Nella Fantasia - often called a "Hymn To the Rainforest".
April 2009: Who's under YOUR carbon footprint? The Catholic Coalition on Climate Change launches a wide-scale campaign to explain why Catholics should take the St Francis Pledge - to Pray on duty to care for God's creation, to Learn about and educate others on the causes and moral dimensions of climate change, to assess how we contribute to climate change, to act, and to advocate for Catholic principles in climate change decisions.
February 2009:
Four coal plants and two gas plants... all within a mile of their houses. A new film, Fighting Goliath, narrated by Robert Redford, shows how Christian communities in Texas fought for a clean environment. Churches - and other faith groups around the world - are encouraged to hold screenings of this film, with guided discussions about how their own communities can protect the environment from pollution and other threats. Watch a preview below, and link here for information from Interfaith Power and Light about how to make this film into an event, and an inspiration for action.
October 2008: A local news report about how nuns at the IHM Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary community in Monroe, Michigan were given a green award by the EPA for being "one of the nation's greenest projects". Innovations include a grey water wetland recycling facility. They are saving $180,000 a year on energy at their home for 200 retired nuns - and with thousands of visitors per annum are also a centre for discussions and learning about environmental and creation care. Link here for the IHM website.
August 2008: Enough is Enough. Our Muslim partners IFEES have offered a short video showing their take on climate change.
The Renewal video produced by churches in the USA, gives ideas from the Renewal Project about how to make small steps to green your church. Link here for more details.
Monks in Cambodia have put together a film in Khmer about their own work protecting the environment around the country.
PART ONE: with an introduction to the Buddhist sense of being interconnected, and the role of the belief in Universal Origin in understanding better the human role in relation to the rest of life.
Link here for links to the other three parts of the video.
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, urges people to think carefully about the environment, in a presentation at the time of the Bali COP:
"We are being shown how easy it is to be unjust, unfair, to our children and grandchildren... Climate change is an issue that impels us to think about God's justice and how we are to echo it in our world."
Friends of the Earth, Birmingham, launches a multi-faith initiative to work with faiths on climate change issues: