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Sound of Many Waters: UK Catholic eco-action | Sound of many waters brochure

Sound of many waters brochure

This is the brochure for the Sound of Many Waters year-long event held by the Catholic Church in England and Wales between September 2007 and October 2008 to celebrate and recognise the importance of the environment. It is inspired by Mary Colwell a Clifton Cathedral parishioner, BBC Natural History producer and ecological campaigner. It is supported by a range of organisations including WWF, Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC), the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales and the Apostleship of the Sea. Link here for the pdf brochure version.

Join us in a wonderful year-long exploration of our need to care for our environment. The Clifton celebrations draw on Catholic teachings, insights and networks – and are open to everyone.

Together we can help restore the world, and fill it with the sound of many waters, flowing together.

A Year to Celebrate

Saturday 29th September 2007

First Sound of Many Waters

Supporters and guests will be present to open our year of environmental action with special messages.

Keynote speaker is Bishop Chris Toohey, of Wilcannia-Forbes in Australia, Chair of Catholic Earthcare Australia , and an inspirational environmental campaigner. He promises to give us a robust account of ecological challenges we face and how faith can help challenge them.

We are inviting people to celebrate the world in which we live, but also to recognise the challenges faced by our generation - and to respond through commitment and action. Come and share ideas and experiences, explore nature on our doorstep, have fun, participate in worship and prayer, and be inspired.

Thursday 4th October 2007

Not Just Hot Air
St Francis Day

St Brendan’s Catholic College in Bristol leads the way with a launch of the first ever UK Catholic school’s environmental audit project, opened by Miranda Krestovnikoff of BBC Two’s BAFTA award winning ‘Coast’. Link here for the press release. From 4th October you’ll be able to download details of this existing project. Why don’t you go to for whatever link you need to do. and pass it on to your local school?

Friday 15th February 2008

Night Vigil of Reconciliation & Reflection for Creation

Father Chris Boles, Jesuit priest and Vicar Episcopal for Justice and Peace in the Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh, leads a unique event in and around Clifton’s stunning Cathedral. Monastic music and reflective readings will focus our thoughts and prayers on God’s creation. All are welcome to come and experience what Father Chris, his friends and many of us feel so passionately about - drop in for as long, or as little as you wish. During this multimedia event we will see TV footage from the BBC’s prestigious Bristol-based Natural History Unit projected onto the Cathedral walls as we are transported throughout our world’s most breathtaking natural landscapes.

Sunday 6th April 2008

Dawn Chorus & Owl Prowl
Spring Has Sprung - Let’s Explore

Pioneering ecological campaigner and BBC Natural History TV producer Mary Colwell leads us on a series of nature walks around her parish church, Clifton Cathedral. Throughout the day we’ll have the fantastic opportunity to hear from Mary’s friends and colleagues from the BBC Natural History Unit, as they present nature talks and walks exploring our local environment. Top naturalists from across the country will come together at the Cathedral to help us discover our local area’s rich ecology. Everyone’s welcome. Open to all ages.

Thursday 5th June 2008

Saints & Sustainability
United Nations World Environment Day

A lively evening exploring tales of Catholic saints who protected the environment. Radio and TV presenter Martin Palmer of the Alliance of Religions and Conservation guides us through 2000 fascinating years of Christian engagement with our natural world, bringing to life amazing stories, legends and myths. Martin’s presentation leads up to Bishop Declan Lang launching the theological reflection produced by Gavin D’Costa, the University of Bristol’s Professor in Christian Theology and Mary Colwell. Come World Environment Day 2008 you can access this beautifully-produced and much-needed summary of current theological thinking on the environment from .

Saturday 4th & Sunday 5th October 2008

Sound of Many Waters
Celebratory Conclusion

A weekend to celebrate the culmination of a year of action and reflection.

You’ve been with us on this eventful and memorable journey – on this last weekend of the Sound of Many Waters year at Clifton Cathedral, diverse groups will come together to celebrate and look to a future of even greater Catholic engagement with the environment. Contact us with your suggestions as to how Sound of Many Waters might fittingly conclude.

Sound of Many Waters – we’re listening

Write to us at
Cathedral House
Clifton Cathedral
Clifton Park
Bristol BS8 3BX

Speak with us, call
05601 148127

Visit our website

Catholics & Ecology
Photo by: Carline Irby

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