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Norway Process | Norway Conference: Details of the sessions

Norway Process

Religion, the Environment and Development: The Potential for Partnership?

The conference was held in Oslo, 7th to 8th November 2006 at the Soria Moria Hotel and Conference Centre - Centre for Sustainability. It was hosted by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, together with the World Bank, UNDP and the Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC).

Download all the papers from the Oslo meeting here.


There were three themes, each the subject of a separate session. For more details please link here:

The role of religious communities in development has received increased attention in recent years. In many countries, religious communities and faith-based organisations have more extensive on-the-ground networks than any other sections of civil society. They can also bring to bear relevant traditions, teachings, and understandings of our relationship with the environment and human development.
1. The relationship between perceptions of nature, values and management of natural resources;

2. The relationship between conservation and development: Insights into key development and environment issues;

3. The potential for partnerships between development agencies and religious groups.

Speakers and participants were initially asked to respond to and reflect on the questions raised in the sessions. The conference also addressed other related questions and attempt to identify what further steps may be taken.

Invited speakers and participants represented religious organisations, governmental representatives, development agencies and research institutes.

Contact for religious groups: Paola Triolo at ARC (

Contact for governmental representatives, researchers and other participants was: Tanja Winther,

Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM)
University of Oslo
PO Box 1116 Blindern
N-0317 Oslo
tel + 47 22 85 89 15

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