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UNESCO hails ESD toolkit as an excellent example of good practice

November 4, 2014:

When 1000 delegates assemble in Aichi-Nagoya for the World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development in November, the Faith-based Education for Sustainable Development Teacher's Toolkit developed by ARC and our African partners will be one of the good practice examples they will be learning about.

The Toolkit is one of just 25 examples out of 900-plus chosen by UNESCO for its conference, organised with the Japanese Government to mark the end of the UN Decade of ESD and to launch the organisation’s Global Action Programme on ESD.

The ARC ESD Teacher’s Toolkit was devised through workshops and produced by ARC in partnership with the Kenya Organisation for Environmental Education (KOEE). The book is intended for teachers in faith primary schools throughout sub Saharan Africa. The idea is to strengthen the roles that faith schools play in tackling environmental issues while also strengthening the link between faith traditions themselves and school teachings about the environment. It was first piloted in primary schools in Kenya before being launched in the summer of 2013.

Pupils at Koibei High School proudly showing off their harvest
Setting ‘a good example’

In a letter to Dr Dorcas Otieno, Executive Director of KOEE, UNESCO Education Sector Director Soo-Hyang Choi says that the project has been selected as one of 25 ESD success stories from the last decade, stating: “Your project came to our attention and as it provides a good example of ESD practice in action we believe it deserves to be showcased and shared more widely.”

The letter includes an offer of a booth in an exhibition that is being organised as part of the conference where the 25 selected projects will be represented. Dr Otieno and Mary Bellekom from ARC will go to the conference to organise the display and attend the workshop programme. They will be taking 1000 copies of a brochure about the ARC/KOEE ESD toolkit and copies of the toolkit itself to distribute to the delegates.


The Story of the Faith-Based ESD Toolkit - downloadable brochure

The World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development will take place in in Aichi-Nagoya between Nov 10-12, 2014

Download the ARC/KOEE ESD toolkit as a PDF document

KOEE website

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