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First faith in food workshops in US this week

November 4, 2010:

Faith in Food explores ethically and sustainably sourced food

ARC's Faith in Food initiative launched with two major workshops and presentations in the US this week. Press Release coming soon.

November 2-3, Faith in Food workshop, New York
This will be an opportunity for invited faith representatives to gather to discuss the theology of food and how to develop sustainable policies for the purchasing, production and consumption of food. The first of four international workshops, and part of ARC's food and faith programme. Co-hosted by Hazon.

November 5-6, Sacred Soils Interfaith Conference, Louisville, Kentucky
Martin Palmer of ARC will give a keynote speech, alongside Wendell Berry. The conference brings together leading voices in faith and the environment from around the US. Click here for more information.

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November 4, 2010:
First faith in food workshops in US this week
One year on from Windsor, the first Faith in Food workshops are being held in New York and Louisville this week. Press release coming soon.