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Do your own environmental audit | Eco Audit - Quick Guide | Step 1: Commit | Step 2: Review | Step 3: Plan | Step 4: Communicate

Eco Audit - Quick Guide

Take an eco audit and help our forests by reducing your carbon emissions.

If you would like to take an eco audit, but aren't sure where to start, the links to the sites below can help.

For individuals

Conservation International

Link here to measure your eco footprint and discover ways to reduce it further.

The Conservation International website has helpful suggestions such as cleaning windows with vinegar and maintaining a vegan or vegetarian diet.

If you are interested in offsetting your individual carbon emissions, Conservation International offers an online calculator enabling you to do this.

Link here to offset your carbon emissions.

UK Government’s Carbon Calculator

Link here to work out your carbon emissions on the UK Government's website, with hints and tips on how to have a greener lifestyle.

Quick Guide for faith groups

The Big Green Jewish Website

Link here to take the Big Green Jewish eco test for your home.

In-depth eco audits for businesses and communities

If you have a large business or community organisation, then improving your environmental management is often not just a matter of ticking boxes. For example, when Conservation International in the US worked with Walmart, through their Center for Leadership in Business, there were 12 working groups dealing with different functions of the company looking at ways of reducing the impact. It was, according to CI, a massive undertaking and done with partners like the Rocky Mountain Institute.

The CELB website gives links to many of the publications. Link here to read which publications CI has developed with different industries, including best practices. Link here.

The CELB strategies page shows how much of the work comes after an initial audit approach. Link here.

Detailed audits for Faith Groups

New Zealand Churches' Agency on Social Issues

Link here to download the 12-page audit which offers guidance on managing our heritage, including water care and redevelopment. Encourages planting of flowers and berry-bearing trees to attract butterflies, moths and birds respectively.

Creation I Care

Link here to download Joel Hunter's Internal Audit Report on Northland Church (2.16MB)

And here for the Creation I Care website.

"Listening to the Earth", a Benedictine Handbook

Link here for details of the Benedictine Handbook,"Listening to the Earth".

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Taking on the climate challenge
ARC is working with faith communities to set a lead in tackling Climate Change
June 19 2008:
Buddhists commit to the environment on UN Vesak Day
A meeting in Hanoi of 600 Buddhist leaders from 90 countries last month emphasised the importance of caring for the natural environment in a major new declaration about Buddhist's role in building a “just, democratic, and civil society”.