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UN prepares for September climate summit

August 19 2009:

Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon invites world leaders to ‘unprecedented’ UN climate change summit. UNDP photo.

The United Nations is building on its commitment to work with religions on climate change and the natural environment, through working to add a religious dimension to a key pre-Copenhagen summit in New York in September.

While no firm commitments have yet been made, UNDP is currently in discussions to support a forum for at least one of the faith perspectives on climate change to be put forward - particularly referring to the ARC/UNDP programme with the faiths. This follows from the tremendous success of initiatives this summer, including the launch of the Muslim Seven Year Plan in July in Istanbul.


On June 23, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon extended an invitation to government leaders to attend a global summit at the UN headquarters on September 22 “to mobilize the political momentum needed to seal the deal in Copenhagen on a fair, effective and scientifically ambitious new climate framework.”

The high-level climate change event on 22 September is expected to lay a strong and necessary foundation of trust among leaders. The Summit will provide a platform for Heads of State and Governments to consider the key political issues to be addressed during negotiations leading up to success at the 15th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC COP15) in Copenhagen, December 2009.

The focus will be on interactive dialogue between Heads of State and Government during round table discussions. National statements will be delivered via pre-recorded video messages. The summit aims to arrive at a political vision, provide direction for the negotiations and provide the impetus to move them forward.


The Istanbul Declaration of the M7YAP on Climate Change

The draft Muslim Seven Year Plan to Protect the Natural Environment

The Seventh Annual Dialogue between the Islamic world and Japan, in March 2009 in Kuwait. The Istanbul Conference was the next stage in the process.

Read Islam Online's article about the Muslim 7 Year Action Plan Declaration.

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UN prepares for September climate summit
The United Nations is building on its commitment to work with religions on climate change and the natural environment, through working to add a religious dimension to a key summit in New York in September.
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